
Explore Your Journey in Pole & Aerial Arts Business Mastery

Booking Systems for Pole Dance Studios and Aerial Arts Studios

As pole or aerial studio owners, we are always looking for ease and convenience because (as for anyone who runs a small business) – we don’t have tons of time.

As a result, one of the first pieces of technology we invest in as our classes grow is a booking system. Most of us start off processing bookings manually until it becomes too time consuming and we need a system to do bookings for us.

Among the dozens of choices that are out there for class booking systems, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure which one to choose for your studio. Add to that the fact that systems are continuously evolving, and what felt like a great choice may soon become outdated and you consider switching provider.

One of the most overlooked areas in pole and aerial studio administration is the hidden powers of your booking system.

Most studios use what we refer to as a “booking system”, when it is in fact so much more: a studio management system.

I would even argue that pole and aerial studios are missing out on significant growth potential by not utilising their existing studio management softwares and systems to their full extent.

If you’d like to find out more about how to get the most from your “booking system” and in turn optimise client retention, conversion, sense of community, communications and overall happiness with your classes and service, listen in on my natter with Hedwig Shackle over on the podcast.

Hedwig is a Berlin-based freelance pole teacher who works in IT during the day for studio management software company – who better to get first hand tips and insights from than someone on the inside 🙂

Enjoy! x

What Booking System should I use? Studio Management Software for Pole and Aerial Studios

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