
Explore Your Journey in Pole & Aerial Arts Business Mastery

How to Open a Pole or Aerial Studio

Running your own pole dance and/or aerial arts studio can sound like a lofty dream that is out of reach – but if you ask studio owners, most of them will tell you that it did for them too – until they did the thing and opened their doors.

Having your own space can be an amazingly freeing experience as you get to run your business and your classes EXACTLY how you want to. It can also be tough at times with you being the person that has to make all the decisions and is responsible for anything and everything #smallbusinessownerlife!

In order for you to get off to the strongest start possible, have a listen to my pod episode over on Spotify where I discuss my top tips to build a successful pole dance or aerial training studio!

There’s more to it than just planning for the cost of the space hire – but it’s also not the über scariest thing ever 🙂

How to Open a Pole/Aerial Studio – Strategies to save you money and nerves

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