
Explore Your Journey in Pole & Aerial Arts Business Mastery

The Summer Lull in your Pole Classes and Aerial Sessions

Hey hey! Yup, it is the hotter months of the year – and with that, the old familiar dip in class attendance for our pole/aerial sessions.

Year after year, summer and December are quiet, and yet, as studio owners and instructors, the quieter months just make us struggle again and again.

While there is certainly a seasonality to pole/aerial classes and the wider fitness and wellness sector, these months don’t have to mean our businesses are teetering on a knife edge.

With well thought out planning, some financial management, and clever marketing and advertising strategies, we can take charge of the summer and December dips instead of them taking charge of our studios and classes.

I share the tested strategies I use at my studio Momentum Pole & Aerial during the annual dips to smooth out any peaks and troughs in revenue during those dreaded months, and you can listen to them on my free podcast:

The Summer Dip in Pole/Aerial Classes – What can we do about it?

Can you Un-Tank December Revenue?

Have pen and paper at the ready to steal tips, tricks and tactics (not in the criminal sense) to help you create steadier revenue all year round!

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