
Explore Your Journey in Pole & Aerial Arts Business Mastery

The Studio Strategy Audit

Scrap overwhelm once and for all and take control of your studio

What is it and how does it work?

Self-paced 4 week course

This is a snappy and bite-sized course delivered via email (yes you read that right), that takes 15 minutes a day, two days a week.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, I email you with education on studio business strategy and I give you a task. 

Take 15 to read the materials, complete the task and feel better, less stressed, less overwhelmed and with a sense of control over your studio and what to do next to achieve your goals. 

Is it for me?

This is for studio owners and freelancers who feel stuck, overwhelmed, like their business is just happening to them without any active agency, or like they need to make a change but don’t know where. This course is intended to help you identify EXACTLY what’s up with your studio. We’re talking values, marketing, sales, operations, even just working out your current phase in biz. 

What do I get from it?

  • Education on Business Strategy: We cover values, marketing, sales, risks and opportunities, operations and getting deliberate and specific about your business goals. 
  • Accountability: Someone in your corner who checks in with you to ensure you are putting in the work of 15 minutes twice a week to get your shit together 🙂 
  • Control over your Studio: The whole purpose of this training is to enable you to gain a solid overview of ALL areas of your studio, recognise where the gaps are, and give you a space to take action where it is needed. 
  • Wellbeing: Yes I will ask you some questions about your business and essentially you will journal on them. You will feel better and less overwhelmed. Getting it down on paper and out of your head and into a plan will lift some of those heavy studio owner worries. 

What are the requirements for this course?

  • Access to an email address and account to receive bi-weekly course content.
  • Willingness to invest 15 minutes two days a week for 4 weeks to see the best outcomes.

Is it a quick fix? Will someone do the work for me?

Nope. You will have to do the work and put in 15 minutes for 2 days a week over a period of 4 weeks. I do the hard stuff with you and teach you what you need to know about business strategy for a pole/aerial studio. You then do the fun stuff and answer the questions I give you in the bi-weekly tasks. 


Absolute steal: a tenner a week, a fiver a task! This is the most affordable business coaching there is!

The Studio Strategy Audit


Not quite hitting the spot or have questions?

All cool, get in touch via the contact form below and we will find the best solution for you x