
Explore Your Journey in Pole & Aerial Arts Business Mastery

How to Become a Pole Dance Instructor or Aerial Trainer?


If you’re here reading this little blog post, you are likely someone who has a burning passion for pole training or aerial arts – gosh this stuff is addictive and feels so good!

The next right step for a lot of us upside down superfans is to check out the possibility of teaching.

But where do you even start!

How does it work? Do you go freelance or are you employed?

What kind of paperwork and insurance do I need?

What is the reality of teaching and how can I manage it alongside my day job?

Are there any other recommendations on training and certifications?

I answer all of these – plus give you some frank insights into the day to day of being a pole or aerial instructor in the UK – in my free podcast on Spotify.

Give the episode a listen here, it’s great if you are considering becoming an instructor, and serves as a bit of an encouraging and understanding friend if you are currently teaching <3

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