
Explore Your Journey in Pole & Aerial Arts Business Mastery

Business Strategy for Pole Dance Studios and/or Aerial Studios

As you embark on opening your pole or aerial arts studio, you will likely spend some time on fleshing out a business plan.

Maybe you even spend time on a marketing plan.

Cool! And both are a really great start and integral groundwork to start a profitable pole dance or aerial arts studio. Both are also key to keeping your studio ticking over and growing once things are off the ground.

So WTF is a business strategy then?

In a sentence, your biz strategy for your studio is ALL the bits and pieces that need to be in place, all the plans that need to be hatched, all the processes that need to be developed for your studio to achieve the goals you have set for it.
Quite the mouthful!

Essentially it is a bird’s eye view of your studio and comprises of all these areas:

  • studio values and visions
  • who is doing what in your studio and business
  • your clients and your marketing plan
  • managing the uncontrollable – risks, strengths, opportunities, weaknesses
  • developing and refining your service
  • selling your classes, courses, memberships
  • start up phase versus growth phase and when we can finally relax

If this sounds a bit dry, fear not! I have recorded a podcast episode on this very topic, running you through definitions and examples for each point in your studio business strategy! Bonus is that having a strategy in place will also help with burnout and overwhelm – win win!

Listen on Spotify for free!

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